Spring Season
Spring season is the third season of the soccer year. Our soccer year is from August 1 to July 31.
Season Information
- Spring season start approximately March and runs through May
- Registration for spring will start roughly 2-3 months before
Soccer Practice
- Practices are held Monday through Friday
- Coaches usually pick the the practice days and times when they receive their teams, based on field availability
Soccer Games
- Most games are played on Saturday
- 10U-19U will "travel" locally (i.e. -- Madison, Harvest, Monrovia, East Limestone, New Market, etc.) at least once throughout the season
- Games are not rescheduled due to rain-out or lack of players
- Game length:
-- 5U-8U games are 20 minutes - two 10-minute halves
-- 7U-8U games are 40 minutes - two 20-minute halves
-- 10U games are 50 minutes - two 25 minute halves
-- 12U games are 60 minutes - two 30 minute halves
-- 14U games are 70 minutes - two 35-minute halves
-- 16U games are 80 minutes - two 40-minute halves
-- 19U games are 90 minutes - two 45-minute halves
- Half time is usually 5-10 minutes
- Referees may choose to break into quarters to give water breaks during very warm weather
- Players can start AYSO soccer at age 4 to age 19 for soccer programs except adult soccer. For adult soccer, players need to be 18 or older. Check your local region to see if adult soccer is offered
Players Per Team
- 5U-8U have 4 players per side
- 10U has 7 players per side
- 12U has 9 players per side
- 14U-19U have 11 players per side
- Uniforms are either an included cost with registration or available for purchase for the spring season
- Players get to keep their uniform from fall to spring season. It is possible the same uniform may be used for more than one soccer year
- All players must wear shin guards in order to play
- Shin guards must be worn inside the sock and cannot be exposed
- Only soccer cleats or tennis shoes can be worn
- Baseball or football cleats are forbidden
Soccer Ball Size
- 5U-8U uses a Size 3 ball (23.0-25.0 inch circumference, 10-12 ounces)
- 10U/12U uses a Size 4 ball (25.0-26.5 inch circumference, 12-14 ounces)
- 14U-19U uses a Size 5 ball (26.5-28.0 inch circumference, 14-16 ounces)